5 Uses of Fibre Laser Cutting Machine

Fabric lasers are a type of solid state laser with best beam quality.The beam diameter of the fiber is smaller than on CO2 resulting in finer details in work.Fiber laser cutting machines are 100 times stronger than gas laser machine. Due to its set of great features Fiber Laser Cutting Machines find their use in wide range of applications, 5 such uses are listed below:

  1. Medical devices: Medical field cannot imagine its present and future without fiber laser cutting machines. From cutting small components for really complex medical devices to laser surgeries performed on human tissues laser cutting is used at every step in the medical field.
  2. Jewelry: Jewelry manufacturers were in desperate need of a reliable and cost effective technology which can provide precise cutting, superior edge quality, ability to cut complex shapes and high production ability in less time. A fiber laser cutting machine fulfilled all these requirements and is widely used today in this industry.
  3. Automotive: The automotive industry is huge and developing every second. Use of Fiber Laser cutting machines makes it easier for this industry to cope with everyday advancement in design and technology. These machines are excellent for cutting smaller and complicated components used in automobiles, also cuts hydro formed parts, which are metal parts formed in 3D shapes, with great accuracy. These machines are not only specialized in cutting metal but a couple of other materials too, like cloth for airbags. It leaves no fraying while cutting the cloth, unlike conventional processes which use blades.
  4. Electronics: Silicon is the most important material used on PCB’s in semiconductor, microelectronics industries. As electronic devices are getting more and more compact with each passing day, PCB’s are bound to get smaller. In such a case Fiber laser cutting machines are ideal to cut thin and delicate material like silicon.
  5. Textile Industry: Fabric laser cutting machines are gaining popularity around textile industries these days because of their extreme accuracy, clean cuts, sealed fabric edges to prevent fraying and capability to cut different kinds of fabric like polyester, silk, cotton, leather, nylon and neoprene.

In spite of being a newer development in the area of lasers, Fiber Laser Cutting Machines established themselves pretty well against traditional cutting machines. Scantech Laser Pvt Ltd is very well known the manufacturer of Fiber laser cutting machines situated at Navi Mumbai. Scantech is popular for its technical innovations in various fields of custom laser applications.

What do you think?

What do you think?

January 26, 2018

That is crazy that fiber laser cutting machines are 100 times stronger than gas laser machines. My husband and I saw a laser cutter in action before, and we got really curious about what people use them for. That is really cool that a fiber laser cutting machine provides precise cutting for jewelry making. I wonder if my ring was cut with a fiber laser cutter.

May 4, 2018

I loved when you mentioned how laser cutting can help the automobile industry to come with advancements. It is important to remember that understanding how this type of cutting work can help you get precise cuts and get the results you want. A friend of mine was talking about how he wanted to look more closely into laser cutting, so I’m glad I found your page.

June 18, 2018

I thought that it was interesting that you mentioned that these machines are used for jewelry. I never really thought about what it takes to make some of the more intricate designs, but I can see how something like this would make it less complicated. I would love to see some of this in action.

July 25, 2018

Thank you for pointing out that laser cutting is a reliable and cost-effective method for the jewelry business. Laser cutting seems like such a nice and easy way to cut. Hopefully, companies look into getting the best laser cutting equipment possible.

November 29, 2018

That’s a great point that fibre laser cutting machines are able to cut small and delicate materials like silicon used in processors. I’ve been learning about laser cutting in my industrial design class, and I think it’s fascinating that they are so precise! I can see how electronics manufacturers would want to use them because the materials they build with are very expensive, and the cost of a mess up is pretty high.

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